Friday, August 5, 2011

Cathedral Window Doll Quilt

Actually there aren't any dolls in our house, partially because I think dolls are a bit creepy and partially because I think pure chance. But we do have lots of squishy cuddly animals. So for now it is a bear quilt, 14 x 18.5". To make it I relied heavily on this tutorial and this tutorial. And I have to admit that I LOVE making cathedral windows! I love the piecing, the origami, the small curved stitching and I think they turn out looking so classy.
I do not however love this quilt. Mostly because I don't like the back. I don't like how you can see that the blocks are zig-zagged together, or that the light fabric shows off every miss-stitch. And then I thought ok, I'll wash it and hopefully I'll like it better (this often happens for me), but no. Washing it ruined all those lovely crisp origami folds (I did some serious ironing to get it to look half way decent for the pictures).*
In short, I would love to make more cathedral window quilts, but I think I will have to make them as wall quilts- so no one can see the back and they don't have to be washed very often. Also I will probably try a different solid fabric (the Egyptian cotton that I used was hard to work with).
*My dislike of this quilt in no way reflects the tutorials that I used. Both were very well written and so helpful as I was working my way through an new technique. And here we have the annihilation of a photo shoot.
I probably would have had better luck during nap time.
Sorry about the glaring sunlight.
And there is the back.
Eventually discarded for the flowers.
Another one
bites the dust.

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